How can you tell if you are dealing with a motivated seller or not? Buyers are few and far between in this market right now and the last thing a buyer does want is to deal with a seller that's not really serious. Parkside Affiliates, which is a leader in Olympia real estate, offers information on their article about how to tell if you are dealing with a motivated seller.
Motivated sellers are sellers that really do need to sell. They don't list their property just to see what it will do. Most "fake" sellers will actually list their homes higher than market value just to see if they can actually get any buyers or to see if they can get what they want for it. If they do get an offer, it's typically a low ball offer and the seller will be overly emotional about it and refuse it right away without a counter-offer.
Parkside Affliates' article discusses the issue from the seller's side. If I were a motivated seller how can I behave with buyers. As a Lacey real estate seller, you will want to market and sell your home fast. No one that is serious wants to sit on the market forever and then chase it down with the price month after month.
Motivated sellers, price it right the first time. This is usually lower than anything that compares in the area. IF you price it too high or right where all the other homes are, then the buyer has more options and may find something they like more down the street for the same price.
As a buyer, you do have options but it's helpful to scout out the motivated sellers when possible before wasting your time. A good agent will help with that and also be able to tell pretty quickly if you are dealing with a motivated seller.
Our Tumwater real estate connection also states that motivated sellers are cooperative with buyers. If the seller gets overly emotional and insulted with a low offer, they may not be as serious. Their listing agent needs to inform them that this is a business deal and a counter-offer is acceptable. The whole game is simply negotiating back and forth until an agreement can be made on price and terms. If the seller is aggrivated that a buyers would ask for certain things, they may not be that motivated to sell.
Check out out Lacey WA real estate pros with Parkside Affilates for more on Motivated Sellers in Olympia Real Estate.
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